October 26th- 27th
On Saturday, October 26, we will be celebrating Halloween at the farm! Dress up in your prettiest, scariest or most creative costume and enter the Costume Contest! Sign-up between 2:30-4:30pm to be entered…the contest starts promptly at 4:30pm.
Don’t forget your candy bags — Saturday from 4:30-8:30PM you can participate in our Scavenger Hunt Trick-or-Treat across the farm (while supplies last)! Please make sure only guests in FULL COSTUME are asking for candy.
We do not haunt or spook at the farm and would appreciate if guests in costume do not haunt or spook other guests.
Saturday is also the last night of our FaRmTaStIcK fIrEwOrKs ShOw!!!
Sunday, October 27, we will have our Scavenger Hunt Trick-or-Treat across the farm from 4:30-6:30pm (while supplies last) but we will not have a costume contest.
Candy Blaster | Helicopter Rides | Firework